It is tough to do this as the world can get crazy, we can get lost in our own busy lives and we have our own stressful stuff to manage. I understand and appreciate this and hence is why I am passionate about Coaching, Mentoring and Training individuals and business on this. On the ‘how to understand what makes you tick and what ticks you off’, on the ‘how to find your happiness and more importantly live it’.
My goal is to have the conversations that are worth having as everyone is worth you, as everyone is good enough and everyone belongs.
This is something I created to assist with identifying people that may be doing it tough.
LOOK – Look for changes. What are signs of change? Is their behaviour changing or has it changed, have they changed physically either put on weight or lost weight? Are they drinking or drinking in excess, taking drugs or becoming addicted to something shopping, food, Facebook, online games etc? What’s really happening?
ASK – Ask the questions that really matter like are you ok, don’t wait, you be the first to take the step and be the ice breaker. Ask opened ended questions (that’s a question that is not a yes or no answer) like How can I help? Tell me about…. and then listen. When you listen, do it with your eyes, your ears and your heart. With an open heart you will have no judgement. You are there to help and provide a safe place for them – leave the judgement at the door!
CONNECT – Connect with them and stay connected. This is often the part that can be forgotten. Stay with them through the journey of them getting connected to people and life again. If too much for you then build a team to help out and keep follow them up to see how things are progressing. Seek the right professional that will listen and actually help and I say ACTually help as that is what is needed ACTion to act on it! As I like to say it all start with love, start to realise you are worth it, you do belong and you are loved and show them this.
EXERCISE – why include exercise? Because it releases the feel good chemicals in our brain (endorphins, endocannabinoids and neurotransmitters) and it also can reduce the immune systems chemical. A high level of these neurotoxic has been linked to depression. So by exercising its nature’s own way to potentially assist in the management as it reduces the neurotoxic chemicals and increase the neuroprotective or feel-good chemicals. Even a daily walk can assist in the process.
Individually we can make a difference but together we can make a bigger difference. So what are the options we have? We can sit back and do nothing and say how sad it is when we read another article or hear of another unnecessary loss or we can start changing lives and start having the tough conversations. Remember a tougher conversation could be losing a love one to this illness so it is really the easy conversation…it just maybe uncomfortable.
Make that list, call the people you love and tell them, check up on the people that you haven’t seen for a while, speak up if you are doing it tough…it is time for those conversation. You are worth it and the people in your lives are worth it.
Make that list and have those ‘Conversation Worth Having’ today not tomorrow.
If you are unsure of who to call there are numerous organisation like Beyond Blue, Black Dog and I am always available and can be reached on my mobile 0418 419 722.
Here’s to a happier healthier you!
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