The 7 Easy steps to start spring cleaning your Body Mind and Soul

The 7 Easy steps to start spring cleaning your Body Mind and Soul

Step 1: Learn to Breath

  • Take 10 power breaths 3 times a day in the ratio 1:4:2 (i.e. the goal is to reach inhale for 8 seconds, hold for 32 seconds, and exhale for 16 seconds. Start where you can it maybe 4, 16 and 8 or even 4, 8 and 4. Start and remember to increase and push yourself until you get to the 8, 32, and 16. Also remember to consult a Doctor if necessary).

Step 2: Nutrition, water and good nourishment

  • Drink your water allowance each day
  • Eat live food, a minimum of 70% per day of live food such as fruit, salads and vegetables.
  • Again plan for this, make sure you do the shopping and have healthy food in the kitchen.
  • Planning is the key to achieving a healthy eating lifestyle. Pre-cut fruit, vegies and salads so you have them on hand. Precook things like quinoa and sore in fridge quick then you have a breakfast ready or a great base for a quick salad.
  • Minimise your red meat and chicken intake, if possible cut them out. Remembering you do need to make sure you are getting a full balance diet or adding supplements. If unsure consult a doctor, naturopath or nutritionist. (I do this as I am not one). If reducing meat is hard then start slow, try every second night. There are numerous vegetarian meal that taste great and are very nutritious. And fish is a great way to substitute red meat and chicken.

Step 3: The power of Exercise

  • Get your 30 mins of exercise at least 3 times a week
  • When you exercise you should NOT be out of breath. You should be able to hold a conversation
  • Get a training program, join a fitness group, gym or walking group or if you need real motivation and can afford it then get a personal trainer.
  • Allocate time to exercise, it has to go into the diary – this is a MUST

Step 4: Get your goals or purpose clear

  • You may have goals in numerous areas of your life such as health, relationships, work, your home or garden, catching up with friends or your work business goals
  • Be clear on your gaols for each area and you may even find there are some overlapping
  • Allocate enough time to achieve these goals such as health be realistic about the weight loss.
  • Ask yourself the questions “Is what I am doing necessary, is it assisting me to reach my goal/s I have set for today, tomorrow, 3 months, 6 months or 12 months’ time.
  • Look for the pattern that are not serving you and what things that are distracting you from achieving your goals. If you need to write these things down so you can look back at and get a clear picture of them, the times it happens and the triggers. This will give you an insight to your behaviour patterns.
  • Once you have your goals and purpose then set some structure around these. An example is social media, log on to FB etc. every 2 hours for 5 minutes and set a timer or only do once a day at night when you have achieved all what you set out and it can be a reward as such. This is different if you have a social media strategy for your business, in saying that you can do this in one block and time your posts so then you can’t use that as an excuse. Do the business stuff and log off!

Step 5: The Power of your Mind and Emotions -Understanding the strategies that aren’t serving you and adjusting them

  • Let go of the stories that are no longer serving you. What are the stories you tell on a regular basis, is there one or is there a few of them. Is there a theme to them?
  • Again I encourage to think when you get off the phone, back from an outing, home from work etc. to think about what you talk about. Again is there a theme?
  • Once you see if there is a theme or not then look for a trigger as basically everything we do we have a strategy for even down to tying up our shoe laces and cleaning our teeth. Get to understand the triggers around your stories and the things that are stopping you from achieving the deserved outcomes you are after.
  • Write down the triggers as if you understand the triggers then you can make little adjustments which means you can change the outcome to more desirable
  • If there are similar emotions that keep coming up, write them down, then look at what is it inside of me that is being triggered to have these emotions?
  • So you have identified if you have a story that’s not serving you, the triggers to these and the strategy that you run. Now you have the knowledge and awareness so all you need is the action.
  • Take action to “scratch the old record and put a new one on” and enjoy more success and happiness
  • Remember no one can make you feel anything that you don’t already hold inside of you. This concept once grasped will make a massive different in so many areas of your life. This means that you now have awareness and can now start to control one of the only things in life that we can control – our emotions or the way we react to a situation.

Step 6: Stop – The Power of true stillness

  • Take time to be still, and I mean be still body mind & soul
  • Breathe, do your 10 breathing steps 3 times a day
  • Honour your spiritual self. Take time to do your affirmations, to pray, to serve your God, to acknowledge your beliefs whatever they maybe or however they may be too.
  • Be grateful for what you have, and come from a space from the heart and not the head. This all ties into the Law of Attraction and what you focus on is what you get.
  • If you have a voice or 2 in your head, acknowledge them and move on (the voice can be like a child that if not address straight away will only get louder…and yes we all have them!)

Step 7: Set yourself up for success and then Celebrate!!!

  • Make your goal clear, with some small and some larger goals that will stretch you
  • Set regular check ins on the way,
  • Remember don’t go out and be unrealistic and set yourself up to fail – we want success so set yourself up for it 9ie I will go to the gym every day, start with I will go to the gym 2 -3 times this week and then in 4 weeks I will add another visit or a walk with a friend or bike ride with the family)
  • Regularly check in and make sure you are still on the right path to achieve your goals
  • As you hit your goals celebrate, something special to a bath, a new book to read, put music on and dance with your dog, kids or yourself.
  • Remember celebrating does not have to be expensive you need to get into the habit of recognising your achievements and acknowledge your success (these can even be learnings from things that did not “go to plan”)
  • Now do what you want to do and CELEBRATE

For further information please call Jacqui on 0418 419 722 or email

By | 2017-10-21T10:37:30+11:00 October 21st, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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